The Male Equivalent of the Proverbs 31 Woman

The male equivalent of the Proverbs 31 woman can be seen in all the preceding chapters and verses, thus, here is the compilation of characteristics.

He has a reverent fear of Yahuah.

Is not enticed by sinful multitudes and bad company.

Trusts in Yahuah.

Is blameless.

Honors The Most High with his wealth.

Does not despise Yahuah’s discipline.

Does not fear sudden disaster.

Does not envy evildoers or oppressors and chooses none of their ways.

Watches his mouth and doesn’t let corrupt or perverse talk come out of it.

Keeps his path faraway from adulterous women, and ravishes his wife instead.

Is diligent and industrious.

Is humble.

Does not speak rashly.

Is kindhearted to his animals.

Leaves an inheritance to children.

Is as bold as a lion.

Is patient, slow to anger, and has a gentle way of communicating which calms quarrels and strife.

Does not talk too much.

Disciplines his children.

Does not gloat over disaster.

Does not acquit the guilty nor condemn the innocent.

Can not be swayed by bribery.

Does not respond to a matter before listening to the whole thing.

Is not lazy.

Avoids talkative people and gossips that may betray secrets, does not make companions of them.

Avoids hot tempered people, does not make companions of them.

Uses words with restraint.

Is not slack in his work.

Does not gossip.

Does not lust after the beauty of adulteresses.

Is not led astray by strong drink and wines.

Zealous for the fear of God.

Saves his wealth and food for hard times.

Does not squander his wealth on pleasures and vices.


Does not visit his neighbor’s house too much, familiarity breeds contempt.

Pays attention to his flocks/herds sources of income.

Defends the defenseless, the poor and needy.

Feeds his enemies when they are hungry and gives them drink when they are thirsty.

Is not self-important or uppity.

Is kind to the poor.

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